学习NO.1 发表于 2015-4-1 16:47:05

Linux扩容时新建分区报错No free sectors available

扩展后执行fdisk -l查看是否成功
# fdisk- l

Disk/ dev / sda:16.1GB,16106127360bytes
255heads,63sectors / track,1958cylinders
Units=cylinders of16065   *   512   =   8225280bytes

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   IdSystem
/ dev / sda1    *             1             6         48163 +    83   Linux
/ dev / sda2                7         515       4088542 +    83   Linux
/ dev / sda3            516          1239       5815530   83   Linux
/ dev / sda4             1240          1305      530145      5   Extended
/ dev / sda5             1240          1305      530113 +    82   Linux swap/Solaris可见sda已经扩展成为16G,但是没分配给文件系统
继续执行fdisk /dev/sda进行新建磁盘
# fdisk/ dev / sda

The number of cylindersfor   thisdiskis   setto1958 .
Thereisnothing wrong with that, butthis   islarger than1024 ,
and couldincertain setups cause problems with:
1 ) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
2 ) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
   (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS / 2FDISK)

Command (mforhelp): n
No free sectors available
前面执行fdisk -l的时候明明最后才是1305柱面,而且应该有1958柱面,为什么说没有空闲的扇区。

再看看fdisk -l执行结果,原来是/dev/sda5分配了作为swap分区,找到原因了就容易解决。

1.关闭swap分区 # swapoff /dev/sda5
# fdisk/ dev / sda

The number of cylindersfor   thisdiskis   setto1958 .
Thereisnothing wrong with that, butthis   islarger than1024 ,
and couldincertain setups cause problems with:
1 ) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)
2 ) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
   (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS / 2FDISK)

Command (mforhelp): d
Partition number ( 1 - 5 ):5

Command (mforhelp): d
Partition number ( 1 - 5 ):4
Command (m for help): n
Command action
   e   extended
   p   primary partition ( 1 - 4 )
Selected partition 4
First cylinder ( 1240 - 1958 , default 1240 ):
Using default value 1240
Last cylinder or + size or + sizeM or + sizeK ( 1240 - 1958 , default 1958 ):
Using default value 1958

Command (m for help): n
First cylinder ( 1240 - 1958 , default 1240 ):
Using default value 1240
Last cylinder or + size or + sizeM or + sizeK ( 1240 - 1958 , default 1958 ):
Using default value 1958

Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered !

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